ArtWalk is Back!
Category: Downtown Blog
ArtWalk is back!! After a winter break, ArtWalk is back on every first Friday of the month! ArtWalk celebrates local art galleries, and artists of all mediums. Each month, ArtWalk features a number of local galleries, as well as businesses who are hosting an artist.

The next ArtWalk is Friday, March 1st. March ArtWalk features 18 participating businesses, with nine highlighted listings. The highlighted businesses for March’s ArtWalk are Arizona Handmade Gallery/Fire on the Mountain, Art35N, Artists Gallery, Church of the Epiphany, Culture Connection AZ, Phoenix Avenue Gallery, Shane Knight Gallery, West of the Moon Gallery, and Wil Mcnabb Fine Jewelry Studio. To see all of the listings for March ArtWalk, click here!
Starting in April through the summer months, ArtWalk will also feature exclusive performances and featured artists in Heritage Square. For April ArtWalk, Heritage Square will feature pieces from the third annual Youth Art Contest, a performance from the Youth Battle of the Bands winner, and delicious food from THAT Place Projects!

Mark your calendars for the First Friday ArtWalk of every month for a celebration of local art and music! Check out our ArtWalk page for updated info on each month's featured listings and activities!